Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Touchdown in Piarco

For most of my life, I have tended to primarily hear only the “music’ parts while listening to music, i.e. the background rhythms, chords, instrumentation, etc.  When there were vocals, I found that I could listen to a song for years before suddenly realizing there were lyrics involved, and that the song was actually *about* something.  I played instrumental steel band songs for years before I finally started listening to some of the original vocal versions, and forcing myself to work out and understand the lyrics.  This is what got me hooked - calypso is beautiful music, but to me it’s really all about the story of each song and the turns of phrase used by the calypsonians.

Here is a fitting tune by the calypsonian Crazy that was running through my head during the flight, and is the reason I knew the name of the airport we were flying into - "Next thing that I get to know / We in customs in Piarco"

It’s about the excitement of returning to Trinidad for Carnival, and in this case meeting a new lovely companion on the flight (which I did not do!).

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