Thursday, February 23, 2017

Junior Parade of Bands

Saturday morning at the Queens Park Savannah featured even more groups of young masqueraders, getting to cross the famed grandstand stage in competition.  Some traditional characters, but many more of the custom large contraptions.  (click to enlarge)

Great jellyfish costumes, and functional for sun-shading too!

Some characters' traditions are a bit more recent - Candy Crush, and..
Fruit Ninja!
Here was my favorite band, they come from all over the island.
The Dame Lorraine character started from mimicking the French plantation owners' Victorian party dresses.

Certain features are more pronounced.

Here they go, across the QPS grandstand stage.  Each band picks the soca that plays over the loudspeakers as they do their competition display.
The rhythmic swaying was so mesmerizing that while taking this video, I didn't realize my group had moved on, and I had gotten myself left behind.  I stopped recording, looked around, and was on my own among thousands of revelers on the Savannah.  An old traveling instinct kicked in, taught by my parents, that "in case of being split up, wait at the last place you saw each other".  So I stood there patiently for a while, but then finally remembered that rule was instated before the age of cell phones..

The Panorama Finals are being held here later in the evening, so here come the pans from the panyards!

The Desperadoes 12-Bass.  One person plays this.

Imagining what sounds will be coming out of here in 12 hours' time..

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